What started out as a hobby ten years ago to pursue a sustainable family ranch, produced the best tasting grass-fed cattle to thrive on our high protein grasses and abundant spring-fed water in the long summer heat of Waller County Texas at the Circle J Ranch.
We explored the use of cattle genetics to achieve our family goals. Genetic improvement is the use of genetically superior animals as parents of the next generation. We began with culling decisions on an F1 black baldie commercial herd.
We then launched building the desired traits of our commercial herd by breeding with registered Brangus and Angus bulls to create the desirable traits of marbling, calving ease, heat tolerability, and docile temperament until we have brought the herd into “equilibrium” a couple of years ago. This resulted in a breed of cattle that is perfectly suited to our ranch environment which tastes amazing, is healthy for you and sustainable.
$165.94 USD
Place your 1/8 Beef share deposit for $165.94 Pay the rest ($497.81) when your beef is ready. Total amount: $663.75 Help to support the movement of small ranches by trying some...
$9.25 USD
Beef marrow bones are the perfect complement to any meal - There are a plethora of ways to prepare and enjoy bone marrow, such as roasting it until it's soft...